Let’s chat…

Specifically, let’s chat about web chat. No longer a niche, optional extra – relegated to the corner of the screen, providing an outlet for complaints and those who haven’t found the FAQ page yet – web chat has become the channel of choice for a generation of switched on, digitally-savvy customers.

Don’t believe us? Here are the facts – by the end of 2015, 70% of contact centres will offer web chat services – twice as many as the end of 2014. And with 62% of online customers more likely to buy when offered it; can you afford to ignore the benefits of integrated chat? 

But effective chat means more than just installing the software and hoping for the best. Strategy, technology and analytics are all key factors, as maximising the potential of the channel means giving it the same consideration and analysis as you would traditional channels – one day it might become your primary channel of communication.

Got your attention? Then check out our newest webinar where David Pattman, Director Solutions Consulting at Webhelp UK, considers the evolution of chat and how to capture its value in next generation deployments. To view, follow the link below


Alternatively, check out our latest white paper on the subject here:
